What is a pilgrimage?
"peregrinus" (or peregrinari, from per agrum, to be abroad),
thus: foreigner, modified in Latin to "pelegrinus"
A pilgrim is therefore a person who travels abroad for religious reasons.


  • as an imposed penalty
  • as a fulfilment of vows
  • to have their prayers heard
  • to attain healing for themselves and others
  • as thanks
  • to deepen their faith
  • as a spiritual hike
  • to "pray with the feet"
  • out of an appetite for adventure
  • to find themselves
  • to meet God
  • to be together with others on a journey
  • out of curiosity
  • .....
Das Pilgerkreuz (c) Domkapitel Aachen / Andreas Steindl

Why are you making a pilgrimage?